Thursday, January 9, 2014

Be Healthy!

Last June I made the choice to live a healthier lifestyle. Keyword being lifestyle, I did not, nor will I ever, follow a trendy diet or gimmick (enter pills and wraps). I still enjoy foods that most people think you have to give up. Like tacos, "spaghetti" and meatballs, and Chinese food. There are really awesome ways to turn your favorite, "unhealthy" foods, into healthy, incredible dishes.

I also started running and exercising every day. I started out slow, but can now run 6+ miles in an hour! I also crave lifting, squatting, jumping, pulling, dipping, kicking, punching, etc. The heavier the weights, the better. I love the burn! It's been my life for over a year now, and I love every single sweaty second. I love my rest days (even though I still am out moving), but hate days I sleep in too late, or can't work out. I rarely make excuses, but sometimes you just miss a day and it SUCKS.

The point to this is that I find it comical that so many people surrender to trendy diets and "get fit quick" gimmicks. If you eat like shit, you'll feel like shit. You won't reach your goals if you don't try. Get your ass outside for 30 minutes and you'll see AND feel a HUGE difference! Take the kids for a bike ride, grab the leash and walk your dog, or hell just enjoy some fresh fucking air! When people talk to me about "being healthy" and "losing weight", but don't take it seriously, it drives me MAD. Eating out every night, not healthy. Sitting on the couch, sleeping all day...not healthy. Eat right and MOVE.

Another HUGE pet peeve of mine, when people actually start losing weight and reaching goals, they "reward" themselves with unhealthy foods!!!! Umm, really? When I reach a new goal, and lose some inches or drop a pant size, I reward myself with new clothes! I am not a dog, I don't need a treat when I do something good. Come on, people!

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