Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Can this stop being popular?!

First off, I'll admit I've made them, but that was before I knew any better! Seriously though, can the soda cakes stop being popular?

"Only 2 ingredients! ONE can diet soda and ONE box cake mix!" 

Umm, ya. There is so much WRONG in those 2 ingredients! For starters, soda in any form is BAD FOR YOU. Look it up and STOP DRINKING IT. Just because it's "diet" doesn't make it healthy. DUH. Then, of course, boxed cake mix? Really? Processed crap! Make a cake from scratch, they're easy and tastes so much better. Plus, a box mix is NOT baking. So you can't say you baked anything. All you did was dump shit into a bowl and bake it. Shit cake, you like that?

Rant over.

Friday, January 17, 2014


I'm sitting here eating one of my favorite snacks, apples and peanut butter, and it got me thinking of other snacks I could make myself sick eating. So here's another list, because I really like making lists.

  1. An unhealthy snack, M&M's! I have LITERALLY made myself so sick eating these by the handfuls. 
  2. Healthy snack, plain popcorn. That's right, no butter and very very little salt. I love it that way!
  3. Healthy snack, carrots/peppers and hummus of any flavor. No explanation needed!
  4. A very unhealthy snack, bread and REAL butter. I absolutely love bread, of all kinds. Actually, that's a lie, I don't care for sourdough.
  5. A "sort of " healthy snack, dry cereal. I always have multigrain cheerios or rice/corn chex combo on hand. I feel like it's healthy because I could be chompin' on potato chips! Plus, I abide by the serving size ;)
  6. I actually am not sure if this is healthy or not, I want to say yes, but it's processed. String cheese! I can't eat cheese often, and I certainly don't need it, but I do love it.
  7. Healthy-ish, mini pretzel sticks. I love them, and stick to the serving suggestion.
  8. A healthy snack, applesauce.
  9. And what started this list, apples and peanut butter. I have a huge obsession with apples, I try them all. Ambrosia, Jazz, Pink Lady, Gala, Fuji, Honey Crisp, Red, Granny smith, Golden Delicious, and I've even had a few with names so weird I completely forgot about them. I LOVE APPLES! When paired with natural peanut butter? Oh ya, *drool*
There are more, but these are typically my "go-to" snacks. Of course I have days that I decide to snack on things like baked lays, oreo's, or whatever baked good I've concocted that week, but I am REALLY GOOD at sticking to being healthy ;) 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Girl Problems, 1-5

The number ONE girl problem, hahaha
OK girls, let's be honest here, we are all a bit sensitive and slightly crazy over certain things. Am I right?! I know I am! Sometimes I look at my husband and think, "you'll never understand, ever. You dick!" But, then I realize that he puts up with me and my crazy, so I start to feel bad that I got mad at him. Which would be a girl problem, being emotional.

This morning, while in a hurry to get ready for work, found that I have nothing to wear, but my closet is filled to the brim with clothes and shoes. I glance over at my husbands little side, however, and he has like 10 t-shirts, a few button downs, some slacks and dress shirts, some pants/shorts, and he is content with wearing whatever he grabs off the hanger. Do guys have it easier or what!? Big time girl problem.

So, like my "reasons I hate driving", I started a list of girl problems I face (pretty much) daily. I'll continue to add more, because I'm certain there will be more :) Hope you enjoy!

  1. Having a good hair "day".... right before you go to bed.
  2. Standing in a closet full of clothes.... have nothing to wear.
  3. Making plans around your period.
  4. Sitting on a warm toilet seat.... in a public restroom.
  5. WEARING A BRA all day.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Reasons I Hate Driving



I hate driving, it's what brings my days down. I wake up smiling and my mornings are always so awesome, but then I have to drive to preschool and work. The second I start my truck, I know my smile is going to turn. Some days, I'm so tired I can just "zone out" and ignore my hatred for driving, but most days I curse everyone and everything on the road.

I have a list of reasons why I hate driving - 
  1. Red lights, including stop lights AND break lights.
  2. Break light tappers. You know who you are *shudders*
  3. Drivers going under the speed limit.
  4. Being stuck behind those drivers going under the speed limit.
  5. The douche driver next to you keeping you trapped behind the driver going under the speed limit.
  6. The double doucher behind you honking because you're stuck being the driver going under the speed limit.
  7. Other drivers talking on their cell phones.
  8. Drivers not using their turn signals, especially when they cut in front of you.
  9. Drivers swerving to switch lanes at a stop light so they're at the front.
  10. Drivers swerving to the RIGHT LANE at a stop light, to be at the front, blocking you from making a right turn.
  11. Cars getting so close, they're ready for a make-out sesh with your bumper.
  12. Old people drivers.
  13. Buses.
  15. The fact that I'm not driving my Porche Panamera.
So, I hate driving. 

11 ?'s Answered by Yours Truly

Chelsey asked, so I answered.

1. Are you a cat or dog person? Or, bird person.

Birds are creepy. I love dogs, but I’m secretly a cat person. I love most animals J

2. What was your favorite food as a kid? Is it the same, or has it changed as an adult?

This is a difficult one. I don't have just ONE favorite food, and I don't think I ever did. I like all food, I eat everything and that gets me into trouble.

3. What is your favorite hobby?

Baking. I love baking and I'm damn good.

4. If you HAD to move to a different state (or country) where would it be?

Ick, I hate this question! I like vacationing, not moving.

5. Are you a winter or summer person?

Summer. I need the pool, a cocktail, and sexy towel boy ;) I’m from the desert, I’m deathly allergic to temps below 70.

6. What makes you happy?

My daughter. Her laugh, smile, voice, dance moves… I love all things Kenzie :)

7. What is the weirdest question you’ve ever been asked?

Hummm, I don't know about anything weird. But, I'm asked really stupid questions all the time.

8. If you had to go on an adventure, with elves, dwarves, or hobbits, who would you take and why?

No idea. Elves? Because they'd make me toys?

9. You are at a rural retreat lodge somewhere deep in Wisconsin or Canada. You are approached by a taxidermist who hands you a stuffed badger and asks you to put it in your lap. What do you do next?

I would obviously take a picture with it and put it on IG, with the caption “Honey badger done gave its last shit.” But really? I’d probably cry if someone put a REAL stuffed animal on my lap L

10. What was your first job?

Jamba Juice! Smoothie master, yo.

11. What is your favorite utensil?

THIS. THIS IS THE WEIRDEST QUESTION I'VE EVER BEEN ASKED ;) I guess I'd say a knife, a big and very sharp knife.

Friday, January 10, 2014

20 Things About Me

I've seen these on multiple blogs, so I thought "ok, I'll play." 

20 Things About Yours Truly

  1. I was baptized into the Mormon cu...errr, religion, at age 8 (came to my senses at 18 and stopped practicing).
  2. I didn't start coloring my hair until age 21.
  3. I am obsessed with salons, and everything in them.
  4. I love hair, but I can't style hair (see image to right)
    My take on a messy bun, hahaha!
  5. When I brush my teeth, I have to count to 15 for each side, front, top and bottom, and inside and out. So, I brush my teeth for 180 seconds.
  6. I sing the ABC's when I wash my hands, twice.
  7. I love classical music, as well as death metal. 
  8. I trained myself to run 6 miles in a little less than an hour!
  9. I've lost 90 lbs since having my daughter.
  10. Social media is my biggest pet peeve, but I can't stop using it. 
  11. I don't have a favorite ANYTHING, e.g. food, colors, restaurants, etc. I like too much to pick one favorite.
  12. Beards are sexy, I'm obsessed with well groomed beards. NOT Duck Dynasty crap.
  13. I don't like getting massages. Mainly because I've yet to receive a good rub down (see no. 14).
  14. I am inappropriate and think dirty thoughts about 95% of my day.
  15. I've been a stay at home mom and hated every second of it, but I also hate working.
  16. Coffee, wine, and water. That's all I ever need to drink.
  17. I can quote Friends verbatim, as I've seen every episode at least 10 times. 
  18. Mornings are my favorite, my days start at 4 a.m.
  19. I hate taking naps.
  20. I'm obsessed with RITZ CRACKERS! It's the one snack I can't stop myself from eating. I will eat an entire box in one sitting. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Be Healthy!

Last June I made the choice to live a healthier lifestyle. Keyword being lifestyle, I did not, nor will I ever, follow a trendy diet or gimmick (enter pills and wraps). I still enjoy foods that most people think you have to give up. Like tacos, "spaghetti" and meatballs, and Chinese food. There are really awesome ways to turn your favorite, "unhealthy" foods, into healthy, incredible dishes.

I also started running and exercising every day. I started out slow, but can now run 6+ miles in an hour! I also crave lifting, squatting, jumping, pulling, dipping, kicking, punching, etc. The heavier the weights, the better. I love the burn! It's been my life for over a year now, and I love every single sweaty second. I love my rest days (even though I still am out moving), but hate days I sleep in too late, or can't work out. I rarely make excuses, but sometimes you just miss a day and it SUCKS.

The point to this is that I find it comical that so many people surrender to trendy diets and "get fit quick" gimmicks. If you eat like shit, you'll feel like shit. You won't reach your goals if you don't try. Get your ass outside for 30 minutes and you'll see AND feel a HUGE difference! Take the kids for a bike ride, grab the leash and walk your dog, or hell just enjoy some fresh fucking air! When people talk to me about "being healthy" and "losing weight", but don't take it seriously, it drives me MAD. Eating out every night, not healthy. Sitting on the couch, sleeping all day...not healthy. Eat right and MOVE.

Another HUGE pet peeve of mine, when people actually start losing weight and reaching goals, they "reward" themselves with unhealthy foods!!!! Umm, really? When I reach a new goal, and lose some inches or drop a pant size, I reward myself with new clothes! I am not a dog, I don't need a treat when I do something good. Come on, people!